Professional Development Conference

Designed for:

Senior and nursing staff.

Project goal

Given the ever-increasing requirements to the level of qualification and the need to master modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, the project is aimed at:

  • development of professional skills and culture of medical managers;
  • to update and improve the theoretical and practical knowledge of the specialists of all sectors of the health care system (including managers).

Conference objective

  • Stimulation of critical thinking of the medical specialist in his scientific and practical activities.
  • Improvement of skills and abilities in the field of management and administration.
  • Transfer of experience of experienced specialists in various fields of medicine through Special Programs.
  • Creation of favorable conditions for professional growth and development.
  • Establishment of personal contacts with a wide international circle of medical specialists.

It is important to remember that the active participation of a person in the life of society is possible only with her sufficient education and free unrestricted access to knowledge, cultural values and scientific achievements.